Rdkit mols2grid component

Hi there!

I am using mols2grid in my application.
It is usefu tool for chemical infomation visualization.

I could display molecular grid images by using st.components.v1.html module
refered to below article.

Mols2grid has select checkbox in the upper left and I wan’t to have callback about select molecule.
Regarding for this ,we can get select molecule infomation(id)with the use of get_selection() method of mols2grid. However when I use st.components.v1.html for display, I can’t get any callback of selection of molecules.

if we can use select molecule infomation from mols2grid to other stramlit visualization input,
I think it will be able to be made useful eda tool for chamical development.
I hope someone can help to make this function.

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I tried to do the same. Did you manage to find a solution? I want to get the dataframe subset corresponding to my selection of molecules in the grid. I’m also using st.components.v1.html module.

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