Replace with domain name

Hi all,

I’m currently working on a project with streamlit cloud. I want to deploy my app on streamlit cloud but would like to use another URL instead of the Is this possible with streamlit cloud?

If not, what other options are there?

Kind regards,

We don’t have direct access to set vanity urls other than specifying a subdomain to

However, if you are ok with losing verified security of the connection, you can use a masked redirect or a frame. You may need to append ?embed=True to the end of your app url in both cases.


@mathcatsand how would I go about configuring a Wix subdomain to redirect to my Streamlit app?

I’m doing some volunteer stuff for a local charity and we want our app to have a domain that’s under, e.g. rather than

The Wix support article says I need the A or CNAME records from Streamlit.

Sorry, we don’t have that level of access. You’ll need to embed your app on another page to get a URL with a different domain.

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