Run infinite loop on multiple st.columns and replace existing value


Background: I have 2 sets of columns wherein i am pulling stock data continuously. The columns are meant for different category of stocks.
Problem statement: Since i need to run a while loop, once the 1st loop is over for both columns, the next loops starts to append the stock price below the existing value whereas i expect it to replace the existing value rather than append.

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

import streamlit as st
import yfinance as yf
st.set_page_config(page_title="Test", layout='wide')
tech_list1 = ['BTC-USD']
etf_list1 = ['ETH-USD']

with tech_ticker:
    for index, val in enumerate(tech_list1):

with etf_ticker:
    for index, val in enumerate(etf_list1):

while True:
    with tech_price:
        numbers = st.empty()
        with numbers.container():
            for index, val_stock in enumerate(tech_list1):
                stock_ticker = yf.Ticker(val_stock)
                stock_price =['regularMarketPrice']
                st.write(": ", stock_price)

    with etf_price:
        numbers = st.empty()
        with numbers.container():
            for index, val_etf in enumerate(etf_list1):
                stock_etf_ticker = yf.Ticker(val_etf)
                stock_etf_price =['regularMarketPrice']
                st.write(": ", stock_etf_price)

If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.

Expected behavior:

I expect the output to show the current_stock price in front of it’s respective name where after running 1 loop, the stock price starts to append below the existing price.

Actual behavior:

after running 1 loop, the stock price starts to append below the existing price.

Debug info

  • Streamlit version: (1.11.1)
  • Python version: (3.8`)
  • Using Conda? NO
  • OS version: Windows 10
  • Browser version: Microsoft Edge

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