Saving logs?

Is there an option to save logs?
There is an option to use loggings inside as a write on the screen.
But when trying to save logs, it does not work, it does not create the logging file.

Hi @BugzTheBunny,

Thank you for sharing with the Streamlit community!

This post covers how to enable logging via the command line. You mentioned that you have already tried to save logs – can you provide a code snippet or screenshot of the commands you’ve already tried?



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Hi @Caroline !

The code is pretty simple:

import streamlit as st
import logging

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

But for some reason the exmaple.log file is not being created, and u did run it now using
streamlit run --logger.level=debug

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Hi @BugzTheBunny,

You will need to add a parameter to what you’re entering in the command line that will redirect stderr to a file. The syntax of this parameter should be “2>logfilename.txt”

For example:

streamlit run --logger.level=debug 2>logs.txt




Okay, that’s great for a run command, is there an option to make it in a config file?

Thanks for the answer!!

Hi @BugzTheBunny,

Yes, please check out our documentation on config files here





Thanks again, really helpful.
But I actually meant is there an option to use the ‘2> logs.log’ into the config?
If not that’s also okay, I’m using docker, so that’s not really an issue, just wanted to know :slight_smile:

Hi @BugzTheBunny,

That piece is just redirecting stderr to a different file, so you would need to include it in the command unfortunately.



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Hi again
 this is not working when using docker :confused:
I run the code, but while using docker for this, it does not work when using docker
the output is still being seen in the console, rathar then being writtenin the file

beyond that, the file itself is not being created.


FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
COPY streamlit_src /app
COPY aoi_defects_clustering/src /app/src
COPY unit_level_analysis /app/unit_level_analysis
COPY machines.csv /app/machines.csv
RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["streamlit","run","--server.port","8889","","--logger.level=info","2>","streamlit_logs.log"]

Am I missing something?

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Found a solution!

FROM python:3.8-slim-buster

COPY streamlit_src /app


COPY /app/

RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

RUN chmod +x /app/



ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

CMD ["./"]
streamlit run --server.port 8889 --logger.level=info 2> streamlit_logs.log



Nonetheless, it would be a nice feature if we could also enable file logging in config.toml besides the log level :wink:

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A small suggestion for improving your Dockerfile:

COPY . .

and add a .dockerignore file to the repo so that only the wanted files get copied to the container image.

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Will COPY . . just copy all of the content? if so, that’s not what i need unfortunately, there are a lot of items i need to ignore, si this is a shorter way.

Or im missing something?

But you can use also inverted logic in the ignore files, for example

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...
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Great to know!
Im pretty new to docker, been using it for about a month only, and would not really call myself a poweruser of this.

Will use it in the future, but at this point the shorter way is just to copy these 4 files :smiley:

Thanks a lot tho!

As far as i know, the .dockerignore uses the same syntax/logic as the .gitignore files.
So you can use this knowledge in different cases.

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Will dig deeper then

Hi @Franky1,

That makes sense – feel free to submit a feature request here.



(10 months later) :slight_smile:

I have a similar, but slightly different problem.
Running my app locally, I can download (from within the app) a log file containing all the log-messages.

However, when I run the hosted app, I see the logs only in the little “manage app”-shell.
The file that I download is always empty!

Any help would be appreciated.

Here are some screenshots and a link to the app:




I suspected that logging’s config is not correct.
So, just for the sake of debugging things, I tried a new, easy to config library called lovely-logger.
Locally, everything works fine, but this time the online version produces a file with duplicated messages

Any idea what might be misconfigured?

I tried to configure the logger

In a function, that is called only once per session.

Thanks for your help!