I’ve written the following code which is working fine.
Is there a way of saving the user input to a csv that will update every time a new entry is made every day and can then be downloaded?
import streamlit as st
with st.form('Feedback_Form'):
st.header('Feedback Form')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
name = st.text_input('Enter product name')
How_Many = st.slider('Please Select Quantity',0,10,5)
with col2:
Date = st.date_input('Enter Date')
Time = st.radio('Select time to nearest label time', ('7.30', '7.45', '8.00', '8.10', '8.15'))
submit_button = st.form_submit_button('Submit')
if st.form_submit_button:
st.write('**Enter product name:**', name, '**Enter Date:**', Date,
'**How Many:**', How_Man