When I use the default st.slider
and st.image
as shown in the code snippet below, the 2D slices of a 3D medical scan dont load smoothly/seamlessly (as they would in any medical scan viewer). Only once I halt at a particular point in the slider, does the st.image
refresh itself.
# Step 1 - Load 3D image [depth, widdth, height]
usScanArray = loadUSScan(dcmPath)
# Step 2 - Define slide to scroll through depth
depthSlider = st.slider('Select time step', 0, usScanArray.shape[0] - 1)
# Step 3 - Display image
usScan2D = usScanArray[depthSlider, :, :]
So I am attempting to build a custom component for this and would like to get some feedback on whats the best way to achieve this
- I tried the video tutorial here with the Discrete Slider example.
- My first goal here was to see whether I can slide along the bar and have values update immediately, but was unable to accomplish that using both
onChange(event, value)
as well asonChangeCommitted(event, value)
. Online links say they are pretty much the same thing.
- My first goal here was to see whether I can slide along the bar and have values update immediately, but was unable to accomplish that using both
class MedicalScanSlider extends StreamlitComponentBase{
public render = (): ReactNode => {
const {startValue, endValue} = this.props.args;
return (
onChange={(event, value) => {
Then I tried to pass the 3D volume directly as an input
- I then get the error that it expects a 2D array. The traceback refers to pandas. Any idea why?
My last option (thank you chatGPT) was try to flatten the input, and rebuild it as 3D inside the javascript component
- My lack of experience with javascript coding is really blocking me from getting this done.
- For e.g. what JS technique allows one to display a 2D array of numbers as an image? Maybe canvas as done in streamlit-drawable-canvas
A similar question was asked before.
Any help is appreciated.