Search and select filtered results with check box in one click(select all filtered)

Hello Team,

Has anyone implemented something similar in Streamlit? Any suggestions or best practices to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!
I am looking for the multiselect option based on search and the result has to be selected in one click. I did refer to this post which includes adding session state, container and popover. This seams closest to what is desired but not ideal solution.

Example: from the states_list below if i type a in the search, then all cities starting with a has to be filtered and this filtered list has to be selected in single click(like select all but only filtered ones)
states_list = [‘Alabama’,‘Agra’,‘New York’,‘Texas’,‘Washington’]
l2.append(‘Select all’)

l2.append = st.checkbox(“Select all options”)

all_options = st.checkbox(“Select all options”)

state_dropdown = st.multiselect(‘State’,l2)

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