Selectbox combined with bokeh plot resets page scroll

I am displaying in the lower part of my one page app a bokeh chart (one has to scroll down in order to see the chart). The contents of the plot are determined by a whatever the user selects in a selectbox. The selectbox is placed above the bokeh chart.

When selecting a new selectbox element, the chart content is loaded accordingly but the page scroll resets to the top of the page. That means the user has to once again scoll down to see the bokeh plot. This is very annoying and is not happening when using altair vega or seaborn instead of bokeh.
But as you can imagine, I need to use the bokeh in order to achieve the desired results. Any idea how to prevent the reset of the scroll page?

This was also described on another post which was sadly closed without any solution:
Interacting with widgets change page scroll - :balloon: Using Streamlit - Streamlit

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