I need help with a Streamlit app where selecting an option in one select box should clear all other select boxes and make them empty.
Provide code and screenshot
load_data_flag = False
missing_flag = False
corr_flag = False
if load_data_button:
st.success("Data load successfully")
st.dataframe(df, width=1200, height=500)
load_data_flag = True
chosen_plot = None
technical_button = None
yw_button = None
forecast_button = None
if corr_button and not load_data_flag:
corr_flag =True
chosen_plot = None
technical_button = None
yw_button = None
forecast_button = None
plot_correlation(df, selected_columns)
if missing_button and not load_data_flag:
missing_flag = True
chosen_plot = None
yw_button = None
technical_button = None
forecast_button = None
chosen_plot = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose distribution", ["", "Day", "Month", "Quarter", "Year"])
yw_button = st.sidebar.selectbox("Year-Wise Time Series Plot",["","Low and High","Adj Close and Close"])
technical_button = st.sidebar.selectbox("Technical Indicators",["","Adj Close versus Daily Return by Year","Differences"])
forecast_button = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Forecasting Model", ["", "Linear Regression","Lasso Regression"],key="forecast_button")
model_name = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Machine Learning Model", ["","Support Vector Machine (SVC)","Logistic Regression"],key="model_button")
if chosen_plot and not load_data_flag and not missing_flag and not corr_flag:
if chosen_plot == "Day":
plot_pie_bar_chart(df_dummy, "Day")
elif chosen_plot == "Month":
plot_pie_bar_chart(df_dummy, "Month")
elif chosen_plot == "Quarter":
plot_pie_bar_chart(df_dummy, "Quarter")
elif chosen_plot == "Year":
plot_pie_bar_chart(df_dummy, "Year")
elif yw_button and not load_data_flag and not missing_flag and not corr_flag:
if yw_button == "Low and High":
plot_low_high_over_year(df_dummy, 2019)
plot_low_high_over_year(df_dummy, 2020)