Generate SEO-friendly titles and descriptions with ease! This Streamlit web application connects to OpenAI’s GPT-4, allowing you to create SEO meta tags individually or in bulk using .xlsx files.
Key Benefits:
- Advanced Text Processing: Your prompts and descriptions undergo two cleaning phases. Stop words specific to your language are removed, and verbs are lemmatized for clarity and consistency.
- Cost-Efficient: Utilize the API to reduce token usage by approximately 30%, leading to significant cost savings.
- Personalized Prompts: Upload a .xlsx file, and each row generates a unique prompt based on your input, ensuring tailored meta tags for each URL.
Here is the application link:
And here is the full code: GitHub - ViniciusStanula/seo-bulk-gpt-meta-tags-creator: Streamlit Web Application for Creating SEO Titles and Descriptions, Individually or in Bulk, Using GPT-4.
I would appreciate any feedback on this application.