Session state does not function without 'streamlit run' when I convert the app to an exe and run it

I tried converting my streamlit app to an .exe file, but after converting the file, I tried to open it and there was an error in my terminal saying that "Session state does not function when running a script without ‘streamlit run’ "

I am using st.session_state in my app as I have some text inputs that I would like to update the values of when buttons are pressed etc. Is there a workaround for this? I tried to use global variables which I update with functions but this does not re-render the st.text_input so the values do not get updated. I also tried using st.rerun() but even after re-running the value for the st.text_input is not updated. st.rerun() does not re-render the text_input?

Is there any alternative for st.session_state in this case, or is there a way to refresh and re-render the st.text_input such that the value gets updated?

Thanks in advance!

Same problem here. Do you find any solutions?

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