Setting the Overall Width of the AG Grid

How can I set the overall width of the AG Grid? I can set the individual column widths using:
gd.configure_column(field=“Cell”, header_name=“Cell”, width=200)

However, the width of the grid appears to be constrained so that it only takes up about 50% of my monitor width which is 1920 px.

Attempts to set the overall width of the grid on loading seem to have no effect
grid_table = AgGrid(asset_list_df, gridOptions=gridOptions, width = 1800 fit_columns_on_grid_load=True)

If I set all columns to auto-size then the overall grid width doesn’t change and I get the horizontal scroll bars. Any guidance or hints on setting the grid width would be much appreciated. Thanks.

The width is constrained by the Streamlit app as by default it is in centre mode. However, this can be changed by setting the layout mode to wide as per the snippet below.
st.set_page_config( layout=“wide”)