Use case
I would like to create a multi-page app and have some multiselect fields that would be shared between those pages. e.g. if the multiselect is updated in one page, it should be remembered when I move to another page
The approach I followed is to:
- store the results of my multiselect
- set the default value of my multiselect to use the
Overall, it sort of works, but I have an issue when selecting/deselecting multiple values
- the first time I select a value, everything is OK
- but when I want to select another value, the first time I select it, the page refreshes, without taking in account the new selection. And if I select it again, this time, my multiselect gets updated
- this behaviour then repeats for every new value I want to select
- the first time, it doesn’t work
- it works the second time
Current code
I used this code in a shared file to define my multiselect
def filter_projects_env(df, project_column_name):
project_names = st.sidebar.multiselect(
label="Project Name", options=df[project_column_name].unique(), default=st.session_state.get("project_names")
st.session_state["project_names"] = project_names
if project_names:
df = df[df["project_name"].isin(project_names)]
return df
And then, just call it in my different pages like this:
# pages/
df_projects = filter_projects_env(df_projects, "project_name")
# pages/
df_jobs = filter_projects_env(df_jobs, "project_name")
Is it a known behaviour and/or is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do?
Python 3.9.12
Streamlit, version 1.28.2