Siderbar slider cant handle more than 8 digit inputs #3206

Iโ€™m trying to have a slider that has more than 8 digits, but if I do it will freeze the website and never load the input

I run the code with


Code snippet:

slider = st.sidebar.slider('AidAmount_mean', 0, 123456789, 5)

Should load just fine as it supports doubles and ints

Every time I try to add a number bigger than 8 (even 7 struggles), when I load the site it will freeze for a minute and then never load the slider

  • Streamlit version: version 0.81.0
  • Python version: Python 3.9.2
  • Using pip
  • OS version: Windows 10
  • Browser version: Happens in every browser

YsAdnGh 1

Full code:

import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st

# NY Crime Prediction App

st.sidebar.header('User Input Parameters')

def user_input_features():

    AidAmount_mean = st.sidebar.slider('AidAmount_mean', 0, 1234567, 5)
    CrimesReported_mean = st.sidebar.slider('CrimesReported_mean', 0, 50562, 9340)
    data = {'AidAmount_mean': AidAmount_mean,
            'CrimesReported_mean': CrimesReported_mean}
    features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])
    return features

df = user_input_features()

st.subheader('User Input parameters')

Hi @smalbec, welcome to the Streamlit forum!

Itโ€™s important to note that this operation effectively passes an array to JavaScript with millions of elements, since you are trying to go from 0 to 123 million in multiples of 5. Itโ€™s not surprising to me that this would make the browser have issues.

Is the user experience really important to have multiples of 5 with that large of a range? Feels like 1000 at minimum would be a reasonable step size (but of course, I donโ€™t know your data).



I tried increasing the step and it worked perfectly, thank you! Iโ€™m sorry, this was due to my lack of reading the documentation. Great application btw, love how simple it makes publishing ML models.