Slider values are overlaping


Does anyone know how to change the angle or something else of the slider values, so that the text doesnā€™t overlap?


Here is an idea transforming those labelsā€™ css.

import streamlit as st

        [data-testid="stThumbValue"] {
            transform: rotate(-20deg) translate(50%, 10%);
    """, unsafe_allow_html=True

"# Rotated `stThumbValue`"

value = st.select_slider(
    options=range(0, 100, 10),
    value=[30, 40],
    format_func=lambda x: f"YEAR 2020.{x} šŸ¦ ",

Also, check bullet #3 from this blog post to learn more about those tweaks.


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There are a collection of GitHub issues about this too. If anyone comes across this and wants to upvote getting a solution built-in, hereā€™s the designated issue for it (with other, closed issues merged into it as noted in the thread):