`st.audio` - player renders but won't play

I am trying to use the st.audio feature.

I adapted a few tests from the audio tests in the library:

import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
from datasets import load_dataset

fake_audio_data = "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66".encode("utf-8")

# Test using a URL instead of data
some_url = "https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-3.mp3"

# Test that we can use an empty/None value without error.

# Test that our other data types don't result in an error.
st.audio(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]))

# The thing I am interested in ultimately
d = load_dataset("vivos")
example = d["train"][0]
st.audio(example["audio"]["array"]) # Passing a numpy array

The code runs normally without throwing any error, and the players render correctly. However, I can’t actually play the sounds except for the mp3 downloaded from the web (SoundHelix-Song-3.mp3)…

I tested both Safari and Chrome:

Any idea what could be happening?

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