St.cache_data warning on AWS

I put a streamlit app on aws with which I upload a simple excel file that is read by pandas library. I activated the @st.cache_data decorator (previously it was st.experimental_memo with the option to suppress the warning), but unfortunately a warning appears.

It looks like a bug. How can I fix it without downgrading and going back to the old version of streamlit? Thank you

Hey @Fabio_Pasquarella , can you please share your github repo or code snippet ?

Hello, here you are:

def load_excel():
    object = client.get_object(Bucket='<NAME>', Key='x.xlsx')
    data = object['Body'].read()
    df = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(data))
    df.dropna(inplace=True, axis=1, how='all')
    return df

please is there anyone who can tell me something about this issue? Thank you

The warning doesnโ€™t come from the code you posted. It comes from some other part of the code where st.cache is being used.

@Goyo youโ€™re right, there was a piece of code that shouldnโ€™t have been there, thank you

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