st.column_config.LinkColumn display_test issue with styling

When I use styling on pandas dataframe columns, st.column_config.LinkColumns does not work.


> st.dataframe(patent_maxscore_df_new[col_order].style.apply(get_cell_color,subset= st.session_state.idea_list),
>                                          column_config={
>                                              "Patent_Link": st.column_config.LinkColumn(
>                                                  "Patent",
>                                                  help="Link to Patent PDF",
>                                                  max_chars=100,
>                                                  display_text="https://ppubs\.uspto\.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/(.*$)"
>                                                  #display_text="Link to PDF"
>                                                  ),
>                                         }
>                                    )

In this case, the display_text does not work as expected. It does not extract the group and displays the entire URL link.
display_text="Link to PDF"

also does not work.
When I remove the style construct, it works as described.
I want to color code my dataframe cells based on the values, and hence I had to use the styling. Would also request to build a column_config feature that can be used to color the cells by applying a function.

Haven’t received any response in 5 days. Did anybody else encounter this issue? Is this a bug?


This code displays a dataframe with links and applies color styles to cells based on the values in a specific column.

# Sample dataframe
patent_maxscore_df_new = pd.DataFrame({
    'Patent_Link': ['', 
    'Value': [10, 20, 30]

# Function to extract the link text
def extract_link_text(url):
    import re
    match ='\/(.*$)', url)
    return if match else url

# Apply the function to the Patent_Link column
patent_maxscore_df_new['Patent_Link'] = patent_maxscore_df_new['Patent_Link'].apply(extract_link_text)

# Function to color code cells based on values
def get_cell_color(val):
    if val > 20:
        return 'background-color: green'
    elif val < 20:
        return 'background-color: red'
        return ''

# Apply the styling function
styled_df =, subset=['Value'])

# Display the dataframe with links and styling
st.dataframe(styled_df, column_config={
    "Patent_Link": st.column_config.LinkColumn("Patent", help="Link to Patent PDF", max_chars=100)

This solution does not display the links properly. It does not extract the number from the url and link it.
e.g It should extract 12345 from “” and link it to the URL.
Here is a better compromise solution:

            "col_0": [
           "col_1": [
                "Streamlit docs",
                "Streamlit gallery",
    ).style.format(lambda url: "📝" if url else "",subset=["col_0"]),
    column_config={"col_0": st.column_config.LinkColumn()},

This code is not what I actually need, but a good compromise.

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