St.columns stopped working on my app

My st.columns stopped working a few days ago.
Was something changed? do I need to upgrade something?
I don’t think it’s chrome, because it does this on several different computers. with Chrome and Edge, it does the same weird thing.
Here’s the code:

col1,pullTimeCol,col3 = st.columns([1,1,1])
with col1:
with pullTimeCol:
    st.write(f'Last Updated At: {pullTime} CST')
with col3:

and the Output:

Last Updated At: (‘2022-04-19_03:00’,) CST


Hi @larryb64 -

Can you clarify where this stopped working? Is this locally on your computer, Streamlit Cloud, somewhere else?


I got it fixed, but this was very weird.
– I’m running a Linode server, and testing on my PC at home.
I ended up: upgrading to Python 3.10, and reinstalling all my packages, none of this seemed to help.
I’m also running “screen” under Ubuntu 20.04, to keep streamlit running, when I exit the terminal.
What seemed to fix the issue was to bring down my “Screen -S streamlit -X quit”
then restart it with “screen -S streamlit”, then I ran my script normally using “streamlit run”
then tested on my PC, and my st.columns were working again.
– I’m not sure if I was running incompatible libraries, with python8 or if something just got corrupted. but…
after upgrading everything, and restarting my “screen” commands, everything seems fine now.
Thanks for reaching out to me, but for now, everything looks good again.

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