St.multiselect how to disable "you can only select up to n options. Remove an option first"

Hey was just curious if it is possible to disable this message from popping up?

It is very confusing on mobile because it pops up as soon as you’ve reached max selection. I’d prefer to just turn it off completely. Here is the link to the file in my github: BFPP_App/ at master · LarryLoveIV/BFPP_App · GitHub

Thank you!

This only happens when you declare a maximum number of items that can be selected, like here: BFPP_App/ at 5c6260eb2bc98e721d84fa49c3daba323cf029b2 · LarryLoveIV/BFPP_App · GitHub

If you intend to only allow one selection as a time, I recommend using st.selectbox instead of st.multiselect.

Thanks for the response. I have a form where I have multiple sections and a few of those sections there will be a prompt to select > 1. Sounds like my best path forward is just to be clear on number of selections in my prompt and remove the max_selection argument.

Out of curiosity, what other UI would you expect? The warning only shows up if the maximum selections have already been made and you go to make another one. If the user does not first remove one of the options, the system wouldn’t know which of the existing options to replace (except in the case of a single selection, which would be handled by using a selectbox).

The way it is working for me is it shows up as soon as the max n selections is reached. If I have it set for 2 max, the user selects 1, then selects another and the message pops up immediately, making the user feel as though the 2nd selection is raising an error.

Oh, I see. Perhaps you could file a feature request that when max_selections=n is defined and someone selects their nth option, the drop-down should close (just like it does when you make your one selection in a selectbox).

Great idea! Thanks for talking through it with me!

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