I’m working on an app for labelling records for an ML task. In this app I’m using st.cache
to store the data structures that contain the items to annotate and the saved records, and I’m using also session state to track the current iteration (used to retrieve the appropriate item to annotate).
This are working well up until I reload the page. At this point the iteration in the state is reset, however my cached data structures are persisting, which they’re now out of sync: to the user it looks like they have re-started annotation, however the app is remembering their previous decisions.
Ideally the app would either remember its complete synchronised state across st.session_state
and st.cache
or it would reset both, but only resetting one is a problem.
Is this asymmetric behaviour expected?
Here’s a minimal example that illustrates the behaviour:
import streamlit as st
def load_data(allow_output_mutation=True):
return []
def form_callback():
st.session_state.iteration += 1
DATA = load_data()
if "iteration" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.iteration = 0
st.write(f"Iteration: {st.session_state.iteration + 1}")
with st.form(key="form"):
st.selectbox("Choose a Value:", ["value_1", "value_2"], key="selection")
st.form_submit_button(label="Submit", on_click=form_callback)
st.write(f"previous selections: {DATA}")