St.sidebar.form slows down st.text_input

Hi everyone,
i stumbled across a problem, I can’t figure out why it happens.
I use a st.sidebar.form with an text_input in it. If I or a user wants to fill in something, it’s just extremely laggy and slow. If I put it outside the form or the form is not in the sidebar, it is fast as I expect it to be. Does someone has similar issues and a solution for that?
Thanks in advance.


Hey Fabian,

I am running into the same problem. It is also happening with just st.form.

In my testing it seems to run fine if there is little to nothing else on the page. For example, a page with just text will allow the form to run just fine, but one with graphs or other widgets causes the form to respond laggily.

Hopefully someone else can respond to this with a real solution?

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