I am building a seemingly simple app that shows an image, a few forms to fill, and a submit button.
When this button is fired, the forms need to be “submitted” (say, printed out), flushed, and a new image should be displayed in place of the main one - and that is until I run out of the full list of images (or else).
I understand that in order to do so, app should keep some sort of state
(e.g. image in a list to use) and I am using
I am currently trying to do so using State “hack” from here.
However, while it works with simple st.image
, st.text_area
, it stops (button is not triggered) once I start to use st.empty() (either that or i cant find any changes).
Here is how the app looks like overall:
def work(state):
# user = st.sidebar.text_input('user', 'PhilippK')
user = 'test'
HeaderPos = st.empty()
imageLocation = st.empty()
textLocation = st.empty()
# buttonLocation = st.empty()
HeaderPos.header(f'Example {state.position}')
url, example_id = state.data.iloc[state.position]['s3_path'], state.data.iloc[state.position]['id']
_update_img(url, imageLocation, f'example-{example_id}')
output = textLocation.text_area('Dimentions', key=f'example-{state.position}')
if st.button('submit', key=f'submit-{state.position}'):
print(f'Button fired: {state.position}')
# st.json({'user':user, 'listing':example_id, 'output':output})
state.position += 1
url, example_id = state.data.iloc[state.position]['s3_path'], state.data.iloc[state.position]['id']
print(f'updating url={url}, listing={example_id}')
HeaderPos.header(f'Example {state.position}')
_update_img(url, imageLocation, example_id)
output = textLocation.text_area('Dimentions', key=f'example-{state.position}')