Static html report using streamlit notation

Hello, I’m working on some tools to help create static & interactive html reports using the same code that’s used to create streamlit dashboards. I really like the streamlit features and how easy it is to make a dashboard and was hoping to extend that functionality into reporting.

Feel free to take a look at the repository (it’s a work in progress!) and provide any friendly feedback or suggestions. I posted an example of demo dashboard code, some data, and a generated html report.


Here’s a working demo of the tool using the community cloud to show how a dynamic dashboard can be saved as a static report. I’ll try and update the dashboard as I implement new features.

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The latest demo and code now supports multipage applications and bundles them into a single report. To start generating the report, click the generate report button and then navigate to each page that you want to create a report for. The code for the report is written as you navigate to each page, so only open the pages you want to display. If you want to clear the report or are seeing content you don’t expect, refresh the page to clear the session state.

The aesthetics are currently very basic, so feel free to modify the style page or send some recommendations if you have them.

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