while running sample program which is using starlit library is failing with
import packaging.version
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘packaging’
Steps to reproduce
while trying to install matplotlib library using install pip matplotlib.
Code snippet:
add code here
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import openai
# Uncomment this if you want the random chart to display
chart_data = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randn(20, 3),
columns=['a', 'b', 'c']
If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.
Expected behavior:
Explain what you expect to happen when you run the code above.
Actual behavior:
Explain the undesired behavior or error you see when you run the code above.
If you’re seeing an error message, share the full contents of the error message here.
Debug info
- Streamlit version: (get it with
$ streamlit version
) - Python version: (get it with
$ python --version
) - Using Conda? PipEnv? PyEnv? Pex?
- OS version:
- Browser version:
Requirements file
Using Conda? PipEnv? PyEnv? Pex? Share the contents of your requirements file here.
Not sure what a requirements file is? Check out this doc and add a requirements file to your app.
- Link to your GitHub repo:
- Link to your deployed app:
Additional information
If needed, add any other context about the problem here.