🚀 Streamlit app: Actionsheets - Searchable collection of detailed cheatsheets

Hi all!

I’d like to introduce my app Actionsheets, which features a large collection of detailed cheatsheets for Python and R that I’ve created over the years. The name “actionsheets” comes from the way the sheets are structured: code snippets are indexed in terms of a desired action, and are grouped in sections.

What separates this app from typical cheatsheet websites is that the sheets are dynamically rendered from a data source. This enables search functions for sheets and snippets, and generating filtered sheets.

I hope this app is as useful to you as it is to me. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or would like to contribute (see Github links in the app).



Great app, Thank you for sharing

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Nice job!

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Over the past weeks I’ve added more actionsheets, snippets, and UX improvements to the app.


  • Search for snippets across sheets, directly from the landing page of the app
  • Easier sheet navigation: sheets have buttons for going to a parent sheet, or nested sheet
  • Better sorting of sheets
  • More compact sheets tree menu in sidebar
  • Better sheet search based on additional keywords

Screenshots of the changes

Search text box, and compact sheet tree menu in the sidebar:

The opened sheet now shows its nested sheets, as clickable links

There’s a text box for dynamically filtering snippets on the page

Improved quick search view:

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