Streamlit app runs super slow

Hi everyone,

I’m running a local Streamlit app which isn’t not deployed yet. I am developing a data visualization interface. In the app, I created a drop-down menu where each option connects to a plotting function. The options are A, B, C, D, and “Complete Evaluation.” “Complete Evaluation” plots all the graphs (A, B, C, and D). Additionally, I have a function to count the time taken to plot the graphs.

However, the app sometimes crashes when selecting “Complete Evaluation,” or I have to wait more than 10 minutes for the plots to appear, even though the time function shows that plotting takes around 20 seconds in total.

I’ve tried adding @st.cache_data to each function but the problem still exists, and I notice that every time I use Streamlit app, my CPU and memory are quite high.

I really have no clue about how to improve this issue. Any specific suggestions will be appreciated.

ps: The A, B, C, Din the content are ‘Flow-rate’, ‘Pressure’, ‘Level’, etc. in the code.

Thanks again for your time and patience to finish reading this article!

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