Streamlit app stuck in an infinite loop during deployment (works fine locally, no error reported)

Hello All,

I am new to streamlit and trying to deploy my first app on it. Its an object detection model and connects with Roboflow in the run-time to fetch the inference. The project runs fine locally.
However, While deploying on streamlit, it runs in an infinite loop and no error messages are also displayed. All the requirements are successfully installed.
Has anyone faced this problem before or can anyone suggest the steps on what can be done to debug the root cause for this?


  1. link to the public app (
  2. link to app’s public GitHub repository (GitHub - kanikawarman/Marine-object-detection).
  3. Streamlit and Python versions. ---->

Few lines from the log:
Using Python 3.12.8 environment at /home/adminuser/venv
Audited 1 package in 6ms
[10:13:45] :snake: Python dependencies were installed from /mount/src/marine-object-detection/requirements.txt using uv.
Check if streamlit is installed
Streamlit is already installed
[10:13:46] :package: Processed dependencies!
[10:13:49] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[10:13:50] :package: Processing dependencies…
[10:13:50] :package: Apt dependencies were installed from /mount/src/marine-object-detection/packages.txt using apt-get.
[10:13:50] :package: Processed dependencies!
[10:13:52] :arrows_counterclockwise: Updated app!
[10:13:52] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[10:13:52] :package: Processing dependencies…
[10:13:52] :package: Apt dependencies were installed from /mount/src/marine-object-detection/packages.txt using apt-get.
[10:13:52] :package: Processed dependencies!
[10:13:54] :arrows_counterclockwise: Updated app!
2025-02-02 10:18:55.425 503 GET /script-health-check ( 60040.84ms
2025-02-02 10:19:55.804 503 GET /script-health-check ( 60053.78ms
2025-02-02 10:20:56.153 503 GET /script-health-check ( 60056.94ms

Create a new app in streamlit cloud, select as Main file path.

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@Goyo , thank you. It worked after implementing your suggested changes.
However, I did not understand why this change affected the processing? The simply calls the and does nothing else. Then how was it causing an infinite loop error?

Before the change, your was run as a streamlit application, which is not what you want.

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