Streamlit app stuck processing dependencies during deployment

I am unable to deploy my app because deployment gets stuck at “Processing dependencies…”.

Here’s the full log:

[     UTC     ] Logs for
[20:41:55] 🖥 Provisioning machine...
[20:41:55] 🎛 Preparing system...
[20:41:55] ⛓ Spinning up manager process...
[20:41:56] 🚀 Starting up repository: 'publications', branch: 'main', main module: 'backend/'
[20:41:56] 🐙 Cloning repository...
[20:41:56] 🐙 Cloning into '/mount/src/publications'...
[20:41:56] 🐙 Cloned repository!
[20:41:56] 🐙 Pulling code changes from Github...
[20:41:56] 📦 Processing dependencies...

──────────────────────────────────────── uv ───────────────────────────────────────────

Using uv pip install.
Resolved 57 packages in 344ms

I tried switching the “st-gsheets-connection” line in my requirements.txt file to “git+” as someone suggested in one of the other posts here, and it didn’t work. I tried specifying the versions of my dependencies in my requirements.txt file (I tried streamlit >= 1.22) and it didn’t work. I also tried moving my requirements.txt file to the main directory, but that didn’t help either. I’m not sure what else to do.

Here’s the link for my app’s GitHub repository: GitHub - IISD-ELA/publications: This repository contains the backend scripts and files for the searchable IISD-ELA publications search engine. This repository will be used by Streamlit Community Cloyd for deployment.
Both my requirements.txt file and the code for my app are in the “backend” folder.

help please!

I’m having the same issue, any solutions?