Streamlit-Authenticator - How to access additional user field in yaml after validation?


I’m referring to the following Streamlit-Authenticator authenticator. In the config.yaml I have added a new field called “Organization” – How can I access the “Organization” field after successful authentication?


okay - so I solved this problem by reading the yaml file to extract information after authentication. Not sure if this is a right way but at least it has temporarily solved my problem.

The login method does more than 1 post backs and run the entire script more than 1 time (4 times in my case) - I don’t find this healthy - any suggestions on how to fix it?

After succesful auth I register all components belonging to the user i.e. ´department´ in my case like this after I opened the config;

if 'department' not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state['department'] = (

Not sure if this is the right way to do it…

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