Hello there!
I just built my first streamlit app and so far alls is fine. I deployed the app and used streamlit-authenticator to have a login form. In the yaml file, i set the cookie expiring to 30 days. Unfortunately, it keeps asking me to login everytime i refresh the page.
I was looking in the developer tools of my browser and the cookie is set correctly, but it seems like it doesnt check if its set before asking for login.
I didnt found a solution in the forum, im sorry if this question already exists.
Heres the code:
with open('.streamlit/creds.yaml') as file:
config = yaml.load(file, Loader=SafeLoader)
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(
name, authentication_status, username = authenticator.login('main')
if not authentication_status:
st.error("Username / Passwort ist falsch!")
if authentication_status is None:
st.warning("Bitte Benutzername / Passwort eingeben!")
if authentication_status:
start the app...
Thank you very much in advance!