Streamlit - Best Practices!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to check with you if it is good to create maybe some Topic about best practices around the Streamlit? I saw that there was different kind of best practice for separate things, but not the general best practices for creating your apps.
Maybe here we could create document like best practices that will make everyone who want’s to work with Streamlit create the best possible apps, and clean code, etc.

Hope to hear from you some feedback on this! :blush:


Hi @Dusan_P

Thanks for the suggestion, there’s actually a few articles in the official Streamlit Blog and Docs that covers some of the topics on best practices as follows:

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Hi @dataprofessor,

Thanks for those articles! I think they would be really helpful for everyone whose looking for best practices.

If anyone have more best practices, please feel free to add it to the comments! And also you could name for which category of Best Practice it belongs to (example: Code structure, Theming, Optimization… etc.)! :blush:

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