Streamlit chat app: each agent and user proxy's output is being printed 4 times in the web page

I am creating a chat app using Streamlit and Autogen library for our firm’s internal use by our employees. When I run the app using streamlit run command after entering the agent and user proxy details in the web form and providing user input, the chat output by user proxy and each agent is being output 4 times in the streamlit web app.

The code is given below for

import streamlit as st import asyncio import openai from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent, GroupChat, GroupChatManager, ChatCompletion from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() import os

openai.api_key = os.getenv(‘OPENAI_API_KEY’)

with st.sidebar: st.subheader(“User Input”)

class TrackableAssistantAgent1(AssistantAgent):
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        with st.chat_message(
            output = message["name"] + ": " + message["content"]
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)

class TrackableAssistantAgent2(AssistantAgent):
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        with st.chat_message(
            output = message["name"] + ": " + message["content"]
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)

class TrackableAssistantAgent3(AssistantAgent):
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        with st.chat_message(
            output = message["name"] + ": " + message["content"]
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)
class TrackableAssistantAgent4(AssistantAgent):
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        with st.chat_message(
            output = message["name"] + ": " + message["content"]
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)

class TrackableUserProxyAgent(UserProxyAgent):
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        with st.chat_message(
            output = message["name"] + ": " + message["content"]
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent) 
with st.form("my_form"):
    st.write("Fill the following information about your group meeting. Then, click submit.")
    #User Proxy Agent
    system_message0 = st.text_area("Chairman of the meeting", height=300,
                                   placeholder = '''Enter detailed information about yourself as the Chairman of this group meeting''')
    user_proxy = TrackableUserProxyAgent(name="Admin", 
                                system_message = system_message0, 
    #Assistant Agent 1
    agent1_role = st.text_input("Agent One", placeholder = "Enter agent one's role in this meeting with  no spaces e.g. Research_Analyst")
    system_message1 = st.text_area("Agent One's instructions", height=300,
                                   placeholder = '''Example (replace with your own):''')
    agent1 = TrackableAssistantAgent1(name=agent1_role, 
    #Assistant Agent 2
    agent2_role = st.text_input("Agent Two", placeholder = "Enter agent two's role in this meeting with no spaces e.g. Portfolio_Manager")
    system_message2 = st.text_area("Agent Two's instructions", height=300, 
                                   placeholder = '''Example (replace with your own): ''')
    agent2 = TrackableAssistantAgent2(name=agent2_role, 
    #Assistant Agent 3
    agent3_role = st.text_input("Agent Three", placeholder = "Enter agent three's role in this meeting with no spaces e.g. Risk_analyst")
    system_message3 = st.text_area("Agent Three's instructions", height=300, 
                                   placeholder = '''Example (replace with your own): ''')
    agent3 = TrackableAssistantAgent3(name=agent3_role, 
    #Assistant Agent 4
    agent4_role = st.text_input("Agent Four", placeholder = "Enter agent four's role in this meeting with no spaces e.g. Marketing_Manager")
    system_message4 = st.text_area("Agent Four's instructions", height=300,
                                   placeholder = '''Example (replace with your own): ''')
    agent4 = TrackableAssistantAgent4(name=agent4_role, 
    #submit button
    submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
    if submitted:
        st.session_state.agent1_role = agent1_role
        st.session_state.agent2_role = agent2_role
        st.session_state.agent3_role = agent3_role
        st.session_state.agent4_role = agent4_role
        st.session_state.system_message1 = system_message1
        st.session_state.system_message2 = system_message2
        st.session_state.system_message3 = system_message3
        st.session_state.system_message4 = system_message4
        st.session_state.system_message0 = system_message0
        #st.write("info submitted. Type a greeting message below to start the meeting.")
        #print("info submitted")

with st.container():

user_input = st.chat_input("Start the meeting with a greeting message. e.g. Hello everyone, welcome to the meeting.") 
groupchat = GroupChat(
        agents=[user_proxy, agent1, agent2, agent3, agent4], 
        messages=[], max_round=50)
partner = GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config1)
if user_input: 
    # Create an event loop
    #loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    #Define aynchronous function
    async def initiate_chat():
        chat_messages = user_proxy.a_initiate_chat(
            llm_config = llm_config1
        await chat_messages
        print("Console Log" + chat_messages)
        messages = []
        for message in chat_messages.messages:
            if message not in messages:
                messages.append(message["name"] + ": " + message["content"])
                st.session_state.messages = messages
                st.write(message["name"] + ": " + message["content"])
            #return chat_messages
    #Run the asynchronous function

Please advise how to fix the chat output by each agent and user proxy is being output 4 times in the streamlist chat web interface.

I am expecting the chat output by user proxy and each agent to be output only once in the streamlit web app. However, it is being output 4 times in the streamlist web app.

hi @Bhavneesh_Sharma
It appears that the issue is related to the way you’re displaying chat messages inside the Streamlit app. The _process_received_message method in your agent classes is being called for each agent, and within that method, you are using st.markdown to display the message. This can lead to the message being displayed multiple times.

To fix this issue, you should modify your _process_received_message method to store the messages in a list and then display them once outside the method.

Thank you.

Hi Bhavneesh Could you show the sample of how you resolved this issue. I am facing the same problem. And how were you able to take input from user between prompts for me the chat windows gets refreshed and starts again.

class TrackableConversableAgent(ConversableAgent):
    """A custom AssistantAgent that tracks the messages it receives.
       This is done by overriding the `_process_received_message` method.
    def _process_received_message(self, message, sender, silent):
        if "displayed_messages" not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state.displayed_messages = set()

        # Assuming `message` is a dict and has a 'content' and 'name' key
        message_content = message.get('content', '')

        if message_content not in st.session_state.displayed_messages:
            with st.chat_message(
        return super()._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)