STreamlit how to implement a stateful ML app that doesnt rerun after every widget interaction

I would like to implement a stateful ML app that doesnt rerun for every intreaction with a widget.

Flow of app: Step 1: Enter filepath and upload data onto dataframe on click of a button. Step 2: Show sample data Step 3: Show descriptive stats Step 4: Plot histogram for selected feature dynamically on selection from selectbox.

When I select a new variable apart from the default selection for step 4 plot, the entire script reruns. How do I save state information such that when I am at step 4, everything above this doesnt get rerun i.e step1,2,3 shouldnt be called again. Only what I am interacting with in step 4. Kindly help me out.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn as sk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import streamlit as st
import pyspark
from pyspark import *
from PIL import Image
from io import StringIO
import st_state_patch

def load_data(ss,uploaded_file):
    df ='csv').option('header','true').load(uploaded_file)
    return df

def sample_data(df,widget):
    df_sample = pd.DataFrame(df.head(5))
    df_sample.columns = df.columns
def descriptive_stats(df,widget):
    df_desc = df.summary().toPandas()
def hist_plot(df,col,widget):
    df_plot =[:,0]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.hist(df_plot,density = False, bins = 50)

def main():
    sparkapp = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.master('local[4]').appName('No-code Spark Pipeline').getOrCreate()
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    st.title("No-Code ML Spark Pipeline")
    st.subheader('1. Upload file (csv)')
    uploaded_file = st.text_input("Provide local file path")
    upload_button1 = st.button('Upload')
    st.caption('Sample data')
    upload_cont1 = st.empty()
    white_background ='C:/Users/hp/Desktop/white_600_240.png')
    # Call load data
    if upload_button1:
        df = load_data(sparkapp,uploaded_file)
        sample_data(df, upload_cont1)
    # Call sample data
    st.subheader('2. Exploratory Data Analytics')
    st.caption('Descriptive statistics')
    eda_cont1 = st.empty()
    # Call descriptive stats
    if upload_button1:
        descriptive_stats(df, eda_cont1)         
    st.caption('Histogram / Frequency plot')
    eda_sel_feat = st.selectbox('Select feature to be displayed', options = df.columns)
    eda_cont2 = st.empty()
    # Call hist plot
    if upload_button1:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Hi @bhargavbn, welcome to the Streamlit community!

This re-running is fundamental to how Streamlit is designed. By re-running from top-down each time, you never get into an uncertain state of the app.

However, for cases like you describe, where the above steps can take considerable time, we have a handful of caching functions. The following documentation describes how to use them:

By using cache or memo or singleton, you effectively skip the re-running of steps by saving the results of those steps in memory. This makes it feel as if the steps aren’t re-run.


Hello Randy.

Thanks for your response.
I have tried using cache and state info with no success.
Could you pl share code snippet for 1 use-case for my problem.

I have 3 functions executed before the one called here.

eda_sel_feat = st.selectbox('Select feature to be displayed', options = df.columns)
eda_cont2 = st.empty()
# Call hist plot
if upload_button1:

Do I st.cache / st.experimental_memo the prev 3 functions i.e

def load_data(ss,uploaded_file):
def sample_data(df,widget):
def descriptive_stats(df,widget):

Or do I do something around the place where the selectbox input changes.

eda_sel_feat = st.selectbox('Select feature to be displayed', options = df.columns)

I have tried caching with no success.
Could you pl share a snippet for just this one case. It would be really helpful.


Any inputs

I suggest you slightly re-structure your app to use st.form. Something like:

with st.form('Collect model info'):
    uploaded_file = st.text_input("Provide local file path")
    # ...etc...
    show_charts = st.checkbox('Show charts', True)

if show_charts:
    # Show charts here with data collected in the form


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