Streamlit only Keyerror

Hi community,

I’m troubleshooting an odd problem where I get a KeyError only with streamlit. Here is the very simple MWE.

Streamlit: 1.34.0
yfinance: 0.2.38

For instance, in my Jupyter notebook, this works:

import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd

print('getting aapl')
aapl = yf.Ticker('AAPL')

print('getting msft')
msft = yf.Ticker('MSFT')
print('ticker gotten msft')
print('finished getting msft')

And here’s the Streamlit version, which fails on ‘MSFT’

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf

st.write('getting aapl')
aapl = yf.Ticker('AAPL')
st.write('finished getting aapl')

st.write('getting msft')
msft = yf.Ticker('MSFT')
print('ticker gotten msft')
print('info gotten msft')
st.write('finished getting msft')

I get a KeyError: 'Earnings Date'. This also happens with ADBE, but not other tickers I’ve tried.

I can’t tell if this is a streamlit problem or a yfinance problem. I’m posting to the streamlit forum, because I can successfully load the earnings_dates as Pandas dataframes in Jupyter, so they do not seem malformed.

Any ideas? Curious to see if anyone can reproduce!

UPDATE: I confirmed this is a streamlit issue with the latest update.

The code executes fine on streamlit==1.33.0

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