Streamlit server consistently failed status checks

Hello Streamlit Fam,

Back again with another noob question. I solved some of my earlier errors but am now getting hungup with the following:

WARNING: You are using pip version 21.1.1; however, version 21.2.4 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/home/appuser/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[manager] Python dependencies were installed from /app/hospital-pricing/requirements.txt using pip.
[manager] Processed dependencies!

[manager] Streamlit server consistently failed status checks

I’ve snooped around the forums and tried various different solutions with no luck so far. Here’s a link to my github repo: Here

If anyone could take a look and make a recommendation that would be awesome!

hey @Karandeep_Singh!

It’s likely to be memory although I cannot confirm this now.

I’ve liaised with our devs for more info. I should be able to come back to you shortly with more info :slight_smile:


Hey @Karandeep_Singh

Here’s the feedback from Devs:

Hey Charly, I dug in on this. This user is running in to this particular error message because it looks like they are using a deprecated field as part of their .streamlit/config.toml file.

deprecation.showImageFormat IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. The format parameter for st.image has been removed. Please update /app/hospital-pricing/.streamlit/config.toml.

I’m not 100% yet on why this is yet, but this information is not being logged to the app terminal, it just shows that error message you posted above. So, we’ll be creating a internal ticket to get that figured out/resolved so it’s not as confusing/ambiguous to users.

Hope this helps!
