Hi folks, I am trying to build a small streamlit quiz app here. I am pretty new to using Session State but I want to learn how I can eliminate the “Duplicate Widget ID” from here. Needed assistance in this regard.
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
import streamlit as st
import warnings
def initialize_session_state():
if 'current_question' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.current_question = 0
if 'player_score' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.player_score = 0
def update_score(player_choice, correct_answer):
if player_choice == correct_answer:
st.session_state.player_score += 1
def main():
quiz_questions = [
'text': 'What type of learning uses historical data to make predictions?',
'options': ('Supervised', 'Unsupervised', 'Reinforcement'),
'answer': 'Supervised'
'text': 'Which loss function is used in Support Vector Machines?',
'options': ('Mean Squared Error', 'Huber Loss', 'Hinge Loss'),
'answer': 'Hinge Loss'
'text': 'Which metric measures the performance of a classification model?',
'options': ('Accuracy', 'R-Squared', 'Mean Squared Error'),
'answer': 'Accuracy'
st.title("Quiz Game")
def calculate_score(player_choice):
correct_answer = quiz_questions[st.session_state.current_question]['answer']
update_score(player_choice, correct_answer)
st.session_state.current_question += 1
while st.session_state.current_question < len(quiz_questions):
current_question = quiz_questions[st.session_state.current_question]
question_key = f"question_{st.session_state.current_question}"
player_choice = st.selectbox("Select your answer:",
submit_key = f" submit_{question_key}"
if st.button("Submit", key=submit_key):
if st.session_state.current_question < len(quiz_questions):
st.success("Move on to the next question:")
st.write("Quiz Finished!")
st.write(f"Your Score: {st.session_state.player_score}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.
Expected behavior:=
I want to sort out the “Duplicate Widget ID” error. Can’t exactly figure out where the actual problem is, I have tried to debug the app but to no avail.
Actual behavior:
The program throws “Duplicate Widget ID Error”, even though the key’s value is changing in every iteration.
Debug info
- Streamlit version: 1.23.1
- Python version: 3.10
- Using Venv
- OS version: Windows 11
- Browser version: Microsoft Edge