Hey Community ,
In this series of shorts I will demonstrate how to use the widgets from our Core Functionality Series together to make an app
The first recap short combines the button, checkbox and radio buttons!
Check it out below:
Sample code:
import streamlit as st
st.title("Radio Buttons, Checkboxes and Buttons")
page_names = ['Checkbox', 'Button']
page = st.radio('Navigation', page_names)
st.write("**The variable 'page' returns:**", page)
if page == 'Checkbox':
st.subheader('Welcome to the Checkbox page!')
st.write("Nice to see you! :wave:")
check = st.checkbox("Click here")
st.write('State of the checkbox:', check)
if check:
nested_btn = st.button("Button nested in Checkbox")
if nested_btn:
st.subheader("Welcome to the Button page!")
result = st.button('Click Here')
st.write("State of button:",result)
if result:
nested_check = st.checkbox("Checkbox nested in Button")
if nested_check: