Streamlit under Caddy proxy


I’m trying to setup a server that uses Caddy to manage several streamlit demo.
My aim is to be able to do:

I think I’m in the right direction with the Caddy configuration.
This is the Caddyfile:


proxy /demo1 http://localhost:8501/ {
  without /demo1

The page loads the streamlit app, but then it is stuck in this loading:

Same behaviour with a simpler Caddyfile:

$ cat Caddyfile 

proxy / http://localhost:8501/ {

The streamlit app works normally if it is opened directly.

I tried the solution proposed here:

$ cat ~/.streamlit/config.toml 
enableCORS = false

But it doesn’t work.

Do you have any suggestion?

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Found it.
I was missing the preset websocket in the Caddyfile


The option:

$ cat ~/.streamlit/config.toml 
enableCORS = false

Is necessary to make it work

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Thank you for your sharing, which helped me a lot!