'table_convert' Material icon doesn't exist

I get the StreamlitAPIException: The value “:material/table_convert:” is not a valid Material icon.

My app is running on streamlit cloud.

Funny, all but two of the “table_xxx” icons work. Only the commented lines in the following code raise the exception. No idea who’s fault it is.

import streamlit as st

st.button(label="Table Bar", icon=":material/table_bar:")
st.button(label="Table Chart", icon=":material/table_chart:")
st.button(label="Table Chart View", icon=":material/table_chart_view:")
# ~ st.button(label="Table Convert", icon=":material/table_convert:")
# ~ st.button(label="Table Edit", icon=":material/table_edit:")
st.button(label="Table Eye", icon=":material/table_eye:")
st.button(label="Table Rows", icon=":material/table_rows:")
st.button(label="Table View", icon=":material/table_view:")
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“filter_arrow_right” is also not working (thought it may be the double “_” but “vpn_key_off” works…)

I think that’s a bug.

The icon name needs to be in this set in material_icon_names.py to be recognized by Streamlit. That set is generated by this script called scripts/update_material_icon_names.py, which reads the material icon names and codepoints from this other file in the material-fonts repository.

But the last time material_icon_names.py was updated in Streamlit’s repo was five months ago, so the available codepoints used to generate that set was likely this version which did not include, for example, table_convert or table_edit.


Likely fixed for next release :+1:

This was patched with version 1.40.1

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Thanks @Goyo & @edsaac

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