Text_input inside while loop DuplicateWidgetID

Iโ€™m trying to create a chatbot with messaging style UI. The chatbot works currently by writing to the console. Iโ€™m trying to adapt it to Streamlit. My current code in question is as follows:

    current_line_number = 1
    user_submission = st.text_input('Response', key=str(current_line_number))
    if user_submission = 'exit':
        response = st.write('You said ' + user_submission)
        current_line_number = current_line_number + 1

However, even though Iโ€™m changing the keys with each loop, I still get the DuplicateWidgetID error.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Hi @acarv468. Welcome to the community!

The problem seems to be that you need to move the line number initialization

current_line_number = 1

out of the while loop.

Happy app creating!

Thank you for responding so quickly. That did work solve the DuplicateWidgetID issue. However, now it displays infinite text input boxes. Iโ€™ll have to play around with it to try to get it working.

Yes. Thatโ€™s because the first time your script runs, the text boxes will never have โ€œexitโ€ in them. What are you trying to do?

Also FWIW in Python, that first line would typically read:

while flag:

Happy app creating! :slight_smile:

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Iโ€™m trying to deploy a chatbot. So trying to print a new message each time the user enters text

Can you please help me with this error

Hi @jaiyesh -

Can you please copy your code into the message as plain text? Itโ€™s not reasonable to have people type your whole example out in order to help you :slight_smile:


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import numpy as np
import streamlit as st

st.title("Guess The Number")
st.markdown("## Welcome to the game of deciding number")
st.sidebar.title("Guess The Number")
st.sidebar.markdown("## Welcome to the game of deciding number")

st.sidebar.write("What is your name mate")
name = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your name")

if  st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Instructions", False):
    st.write("Nice to meet you", name)
    st.write("Let's play a game, i will guess a number between 1 and 20 and you have guess it in less than 6 guesses")

number = np.random.randint(1,20)

g = 0

while True :
    if g
    if x> number:
        st.write("Wrong, Your guess is greater than the number")
    if x< number:
        st.write("Wrong, Your guess is lesser than the number")
    if x==number :
        st.success("Congratulations, you won")