Thank you for experimental_dialogue!

I hope that this is not considered spam, but THANK YOU to the streamlit team and contributors for experimental_dialogue! I think this is an absolute game-changer for user experience and usability for streamlit apps.

When soon “getting selections back from altair charts” is released, which was recently previewed afaik, then almost all my streamlit dreams have become true.

Fantastic work, streamlit team! Thank you!


Aw thanks so much for sharing this, I’ve passed it along to our product and engineering teams :heart:


PM here who worked on both of these features – thank you so much!! Let us know if there’s anything you’re still missing.


I think at this point the biggest remaining item on my wishlist (after the official release of getting selections from Altair charts) would be the option to have a tighter layout. Compared to R shiny apps, Tableau dashboards or just complex Excel sheets, all of which compete in the “data app” space, Streamlit is rather wasteful with screen space.

I’ve put this in an enhancement proposal a while ago:

@DCBB Oh no this is not spam, this is well-deserved recognition for the developers!!! :1st_place_medal:

@jrieke (you again!!! :laughing:) I do confirm that it allows us to highly simplify some designs and truly improve the UX :ok_hand:

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