Toggle Button to Close Sidebar

I have encountered the topic mentioned above and would like to modify the logic to fit a different use case. Specifically, I want the sidebar to be collapsed by default on every page reload and when I open the sidebar and click the button, I expect the sidebar to close. However, it’s not functioning correctly, I find myself having to click multiple times to close the sidebar. I have attached the reproducible code:

import streamlit as st

if "sidebar_state" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.sidebar_state = "collapsed"

# Streamlit set_page_config method has a 'initial_sidebar_state' argument that controls sidebar state.

# Show title and description of the app.
st.title("Example: Controlling sidebar programmatically")
    "This is an example Streamlit app to show how to collapse the sidebar programmatically."
# Toggle sidebar state to be 'collapsed'.
if st.sidebar.button("Click to collapse sidebar state"):
    st.session_state.sidebar_state = (
        "collapsed" if st.session_state.sidebar_state == "expanded" else "expanded"
    # Force an app rerun after switching the sidebar state.

You put the button in the sidebar, and to open a collapsed sidebar you use the streamlit button and not your button, so you need to press your button twice.

import streamlit as st
from streamlit import session_state as ss

if 'sidebar_state' not in ss:
    ss.sidebar_state = 'collapsed'


def change():
    ss.sidebar_state = (
        "collapsed" if ss.sidebar_state == "expanded" else "expanded"

st.sidebar.button('Click to toggle sidebar state', on_click=change)

Hi @ferdy, Thanks for the response, my use case also similar to what you said I want the user to open the sidebar using streamlit button and want to provide a button inside the sidebar to close the sidebar along with the streamlit close button (‘x’), I’m trying to implement some filters inside the sidebar and after clicking the apply filter button inside the sidebar I want the sidebar to be closed, also initially i want the sidebar to be collapsed is there a workaround to achieve this use case

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