有没有出现 数据库链接异常?

想请教一下,通过nohup streamlit run demo.py &后台命令启动服务后。几个小时后(约12h),有没有遇到访问URL出现数据库链接失败的情况吗?

Hey @YuxinHan258,

Not that I know of, what is your use case? Are you trying to keep your Streamlit app running locally indefinitely?

Happy Streamlit-ing!


import streamlit as st
import mysql.connector

# 初始化连接
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, hash_funcs={"_thread.RLock": lambda _: None})
def init_connection():
    return mysql.connector.connect(**st.secrets["mysql"])

conn = init_connection()

# 查询
def run_query(query):
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        return cur.fetchall()

rows = run_query("SELECT * from mytable;")

for row in rows:
    st.write(f"{row[0]} has a :{row[1]}:")

后台运行 nohup streamlit run demo.py &
浏览器访问url可以正常使用,等几个小时后(12个小时)。再次访问url,提示 : OperationError: MySQL Connection not available


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