Unable to call a function inside streamlit app and print its output

The code:-

if st.button('Predict Churn'):
    # Prepare the data for the model
    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'Age': [10],  # Use a list with a single value
        'Gender': ['Male'],  # Use a list with a single value
        'Location': ['Los Angeles'],  # Use a list with a single value
        'Subscription_Length_Months': [5],  # Use a list with a single value
        'Monthly_Bill': [100],  # Use a list with a single value
        'Total_Usage_GB': [100]  # Use a list with a single value

    # Calling prediction pipeline to predict the output
    predictor = ModelPrediction()
    x = predictor.prediction(data)

    # Return the prediction
    st.subheader('Churn Prediction:')
    if x < 0.5:
        st.write('The customer is likely to stay (Churn: No)')
        st.write('The customer is likely to churn (Churn: Yes)')

The function i am calling will load a model and then input the given data to get an output, but i am when i do so it gives many error, i tried running it outside streamlit app and it works fine please hel.

this is the error

CustomException: Error occurred python script name [C:\D_Drive\WORKS\Github_projects\customer_churn\src\pipelines\predict_pipeline.py] line number [21] error message [Error occurred python script name [C:\D_Drive\WORKS\Github_projects\customer_churn\src\utils\main_utils.py] line number [67] error message [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: โ€˜โ€ฆ\โ€ฆ\artifacts\model.pklโ€™]]


File "C:\Users\SAMAR\anaconda3\envs\CCP\Lib\site-packages\streamlit\runtime\scriptrunner\script_runner.py", line 552, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)File "C:\D_Drive\WORKS\Github_projects\customer_churn\app.py", line 133, in <module>
    x = predictor.prediction(data)
        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\D_Drive\WORKS\Github_projects\customer_churn\src\pipelines\predict_pipeline.py", line 54, in prediction
    raise CustomException(e, sys) #type:ignore

Hey @Samarjeet,

Can you share a link to the GitHub repo for this app so we can run your code/try to reproduce the error?

Sure, here it is


Hey @Samarjeet,

It seems like the path youโ€™re storing in model_pkl_path isnโ€™t the correct path to the model.pkl file โ€“ I was able to resolve the error by setting model_pkl_path to be the full path to the model.pkl file (in my case, just my local path to where the app is stored on my computer + \Customer_Churn_Prediction/artifacts/model.pkl).

Iโ€™d recommend printing the value of model_pkl_path and playing around until the generated path matches what youโ€™d expect given the location of the file. You could still generate the filepath rather than hard-coding it, but the path generated when I ran the app was ../../artifacts/model.pkl, which I think would take you to the parent directory above where the Streamlit app is running, and then the parent directory above that, and artifacts wouldnโ€™t be in that folder.

Hope that makes sense! Let me know if you have any questions

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