Unrecognized feature warning

I’ve been searching through different forums and trying different custom components to find out how to remove the unrecognized feature.

These warnings is showing when i use custom components. i really need to know if it is possible to remove or disable these features even though I don’t even use them in the code.

my code is based on: https://appcreatecomponent-ngm4rrw7ryvtzb6nigbbmw.streamlit.app/

but i tried the nav bar custom component as well and warnings still pop up. please help!

The code in the screenshot:

import streamlit as st
import os
import tempfile
import streamlit.components.v1 as components

def gensimplecomponent(name, template="", script=""):
    def html():
        return f"""
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang="en">
                    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
                        if ('ambient-light-sensor' in window) {{
                            // Initialize ambient-light-sensor features

                        function sendMessageToStreamlitClient(type, data) {{
                            const outData = Object.assign({{
                                isStreamlitMessage: true,
                                type: type,
                            }}, data);
                            window.parent.postMessage(outData, "*");

                        const Streamlit = {{
                            setComponentReady: function() {{
                                sendMessageToStreamlitClient("streamlit:componentReady", {{apiVersion: 1}});
                            setFrameHeight: function(height) {{
                                sendMessageToStreamlitClient("streamlit:setFrameHeight", {{height: height}});
                            setComponentValue: function(value) {{
                                sendMessageToStreamlitClient("streamlit:setComponentValue", {{value: value}});
                            RENDER_EVENT: "streamlit:render",
                            events: {{
                                addEventListener: function(type, callback) {{
                                    window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {{
                                        if (event.data.type === type) {{
                                            event.detail = event.data


    dir = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{name}"
    if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.mkdir(dir)
    fname = f'{dir}/index.html'
    f = open(fname, 'w')
    func = components.declare_component(name, path=str(dir))
    def f(**params):
        component_value = func(**params)
        return component_value
    return f

template = """
    <div id="root">
        <p> This is an example </p>
        <input type="text" name="text_input" id="input_box" />
script = """
    (function() {
        const originalConsoleWarn = console.warn;
        console.warn = function() {
            if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].includes("Unrecognized feature: 'ambient-light-sensor'")) {
            originalConsoleWarn.apply(console, arguments);

    function onRender(event) {
        if (!window.rendered) {
            const {value} = event.detail.args;
            const input = document.getElementById("input_box");
            if (value) {
                input.value = value
            input.onkeyup = event => Streamlit.setComponentValue(event.target.value)
            window.rendered = true
    Streamlit.events.addEventListener(Streamlit.RENDER_EVENT, onRender)

simplecomponent = gensimplecomponent('mysimplecomponent', template=template, script=script)
value1 = simplecomponent(key="bbb")
value2 = simplecomponent(key="ccc")

I don’t know if there’s a reasonable way to disable them, but it looks like it’s coming from here streamlit/frontend/lib/src/util/IFrameUtil.ts at develop · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub, specifying what kinds of things you can do with an iframe’d component. I believe many of those features are ones that might be available on a mobile browser, but not typically on a desktop browser.

I don’t know if there’s an easy way for the streamlit team to disable them when they’re not available, but you’d be welcome to create a new issue to request it GitHub · Where software is built

The good news is, they’re just warnings, and won’t hurt anything.