I really really need your help. I have a form (st.form), which is an excellent feature of streamlit. I really like the way that I can change things in there and they will be sent to the Streamlit app only when I click a Submit button. I absolutely need this, because otherwise, my app would load again and again.
Okay, now to my issue. I have one Multiselect there, where you can select Continents and I have one Multiselect where you can select Countries. When I choose one continent, I want that you can only select the countries that belong to that continent. I have the function for that and everything would work, but my problem is now, how do I call this function before clicking submit and after calling this function, how can I update the value (I know, with st.session_state, but I don’t think it will update it when just setting st.session_state.countries = available_countries, because it’s in a form)
I would be so grateful if you could help me, because I was looking for a solution for hours now, but haven’t found one. Thank you so much in advance!