Updating Aggrid Data within a while Loop

Hey there, i am currently building an app using an Aggrid Table.
Within the App i am incrementing some variables in my dataframe and try to refresh those data within my aggrid dataframe without reloading the whole page.

Somehow I cannot get it to work using the Aggrid Table without Refreshing the whole Page - anyone got some ideas on what i am doing wrong here?

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import st_aggrid as stagg
import time

df = pd.DataFrame({
        'A': [10, 20, 30],
        'B': [40, 50, 60],
        'C': [70, 80, 90]

builder = stagg.GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df)
builder.configure_column("currency", header_name="", editable=False)
opts = builder.build()
st_table_2 = stagg.AgGrid(df,
control = st.dataframe(df)
while (1):
    # Increment some Variable
    df['C'] = df['C'] + 1

    # Update Values in Table
    st_table_2.values = df

    # Other Methods tried

    # 1.
    # st_table_2.data = df

    # 2.
    # st_table_2 = stagg.AgGrid(df,
    #                      reload_data=True,
    #                      update_mode=stagg.GridUpdateMode.VALUE_CHANGED,
    #                      gridOptions=opts,
    #                      columns_auto_size_mode=stagg.ColumnsAutoSizeMode.FIT_CONTENTS
    #                      )

    # Update Control Dataframe

    # Sleep 1 Second

Hi, did you manage to get it to work?