Updating Calendar After Adding New Event

Hi everyone,

First of all, I am new to this. I have only done Data Visualization until now, so please be patient with me.

In my App I want to add new events in a calendar from streamlit-calendar and I want the calendar to immediately update. I tried a few things and with different code, everytime, I only managed it to update every two times I submit a new event. The .csv gets updated everytime, but the calendar every two times. Sometimes it would update the calendar everytime, but only a certain amount of times, before again only updating every two times. Maybe someone sees what I am doing wrong. Again, I am new and probably it is super easy :slight_smile:
See the snippet of the code below:

# File to store workout data 
ATTENDANCE_DATA_FILE = r"C:\...\attendance_data.csv" #the directory used by me

# Load or create datasets
def load_attendance():
    '''create or load data file that lets you track on which days you went to the gym'''
    if os.path.exists(ATTENDANCE_DATA_FILE):
        return pd.read_csv(ATTENDANCE_DATA_FILE)
        return pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Type", "Color"])

#Save datasets
def save_attendance(df):
    df.to_csv(ATTENDANCE_DATA_FILE, index=False)
#Calendar Set Up
calendar_options = {
    "editable": True,  # Allows events to be edited
    "selectable": True,  # Allows selection of events
    "show_events": True,  # Ensures events are shown
    "initialView": "dayGridMonth",  # Set to dayGridMonth to show monthly calendar
    "multiMonthMaxColumns": 2,  # Number of months per row (if you want multi-month views)
    "multiMonthMaxRows": 2,  # Number of rows for multi-month view
    "headerToolbar": {
        "left": "prev,next today",  # Buttons on the left side
        "center": "title",  # Title of the calendar in the center
        "right": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek",  # Display day grid month and week view buttons

# Convert CSV data to list of events for Streamlit Calendar
def get_calendar_events(df):
    events = []
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
            "title": row["Type"],  # The type of workout
            "start": row["Date"],  # Date in ISO format
            "end": row["Date"],  # Single-day event
            "backgroundColor": row["Color"] # color of event
    return events

def calendar_widget():
    df_attendance = load_attendance()
    calendar_events = get_calendar_events(df_attendance)

    with st.form("workout_type"): #select event data
        date = st.date_input("Date")
        Type = st.text_input("Workout Type")
        color = st.color_picker("Color")
        submit = st.form_submit_button("Add Workout")

    if submit and Type and color:  # Only save if input is valid
        new_entry = pd.DataFrame([[date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), Type, color]], columns=["Date", "Type", "Color"])
        df_attendance = pd.concat([load_attendance(), new_entry], ignore_index=True)
        save_attendance(df_attendance) #save newly added data in csv

        #st.session_state.calendar_events = get_calendar_events(df_attendance)
        df_attendance = load_attendance()
        calendar_events = get_calendar_events(df_attendance)
        st.success("Workout Added!")
    calendar_widget = calendar(
        key='calendar', # Assign a widget key to prevent state loss

#if "calendar_events" not in st.session_state:
    #df_attendance = load_attendance()
    #st.session_state.calendar_events = get_calendar_events(df_attendance)


st.title("🏋️ Personal Fitness Tracker")

# Attendance Tracking
st.header("Gym History")

thank you for helping.