Hello new user to StreamLit I am Anirudh
I am trying to read a csv file but I am always getting two main errors:
-1 unable to upload any file I want from anywhere, which was not the issue with another streamlit script within this multi-app project I made
-2 Even say I drag the file I want to upload into my streamlit project folder and use file_uploader then I am getting this issue
If i take in a text_input of the file name and the file is in my streamlit folder, then only it works! which is unfortunate because as I mentioned for this same multi-app project in another page (which is a different script) , I am able to load in a csv file from anywhere and manipulate the dataframe,
This is the traceback
File “C:\Users\ag1214\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\streamlit\scriptrunner\script_runner.py”, line 554, in _run_script
exec(code, module.dict)File “pages\Fluke Logs.py”, line 36, in
with open(file) as f, open(“whyistemp.csv”, “w”) as out:
Attempt: I tried creating a blank whyistemp.csv and putting it in my project folder, but that isnt the issue I believe. I also added csv mlg log and txt as a type for the file_uploader, none worked
This is my code and gui
Thank you, enjoying streamlit so far.